Counter Strike Global Offensive (CS:GO)

Ace Training To Improve Your Aim In CS : GO

Landing your shots in CS:GO is crucial to your team’s success. The ability to frag out can carry your team to victory or, at the very least, keep the ship from sinking. The extremely fast time to kill leads to lethal engagements where consistent and accurate aim is rewarded with round wins. It is not enough to have excellent game sense and decision making; while these skills are invaluable, aim is the ultimate equalizer in CS:GO.

Despite how important aim is to your performance in CS:GO, playing the game itself actually provides very little practice. The slow pacing and substantial down-time minimizes the time you actively aim at enemies. For this reason, aim growth is stunted, taking hundreds or even thousands of hours to properly develop.

Aim training in KovaaK’s provides a hyper-focused environment that allows you to constantly aim in scenarios specifically designed to improve your skills. This training greatly accelerates your aiming journey, creating aim gods in weeks, not years.

How to Get Better at CS:GO

The pace of CS:GO is unique when compared to other popular FPS titles. It has extreme lethality, limited mobility, linear map design and an attacker/defender game mode. This cocktail of variables makes consistent aim and, if possible, consistent headshots extremely valuable.

The aiming style of CS:GO is heavily dependent on small distance flicks. Very rarely would you ever need to track a target, and for that reason it can largely be ignored for CS:GO proficiency. The importance of small aiming movements and flicks allows players to configure their settings and choose peripherals that will enhance this playstyle; we’ll cover these further below.

Crosshair Placement

Crosshair placement is an extremely valuable skill to develop. The premise is to always have your crosshair placed where an enemy player is most likely to be. This applies to holding an angle and keeping your crosshair on the corner, or to placing your crosshair at areas of a site that you suspect an enemy player could be holding when you are pushing in, and to everything in-between.

It is very common for players to have their crosshair facing the ground, walls, teammates or other dead space which puts them at a grave disadvantage should they come across an enemy player. From these positions they need to perform a difficult off-angle flick just to reach the target, taking extra time and introducing additional risk of missing.

Efficient crosshair placement significantly reduces the risk you face when starting an engagement. If your crosshair is placed on a corner and an enemy walks into it, you don’t even need to aim; you can simply click and land your shots. The consistency this introduces to your play has massive cascading effects on your k/d and ultimately your chance of winning the match.

Make smart crosshair placement a habit by reminding yourself to align it with the most suitable area, no matter what stage of the round you are in. Take time to figure out play head heights so you can always have your crosshair set up ready for a swift headshot. When holding a corner waiting for an opponent, it can be a good idea to have your crosshair situated slightly out from the corner, rather than being flush up against it. If it’s too close, you are at the mercy of your reaction time and they may move past your crosshair before you have the chance to shoot. With some experience, you can figure out what leeway works best for your reaction time.

Recoil Training

Recoil control in CS:GO is also unique compared to other popular FPS titles. Instead of having a random spread, weapons follow the same predetermined recoil patterns every time you spray the weapon.

Full sprays are something you typically want to avoid, as tapping heads or short bursts are far more reliable, particularly if you have reached a high level of aim. Regardless, there are indeed times where you won’t have the time to reset your recoil and need to spray down opponents. Learning the spray pattern can be as easy as spending some time shooting walls and getting comfortable with the mouse movement needed.

Spraying down targets and transferring your spray to other targets can lead to some extremely clutch plays. Scenarios like “patTargetSwitch AK-47” in KovaaK’s are a great place to work on your recoil control and your target switching. There is also a wide range of other CS:GO scenarios you can find by entering ‘Counter Strike’ or ‘CS:GO’ into the KovaaK’s search bar in the scenario browser.

Click Timing

Click timing is what allows crosshair placement and flicks to work so well. Both require you to click at the exact right moment to be most effective. It may sound simple, but clicking at the right time can be very tricky, particularly considering the very small timeframes involved in these situations. Clicking too early or too late will likely result in a miss which can have devastating consequences.

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Aim training provides a surefire method of honing this skill as quickly as possible. Playing through scenarios like “1wall5targets_pasu”, “1wall6targets small” and “1wall6targets TE” in KovaaKs requires effective click timing for a good performance. Spending some time in these scenarios will get you comfortable with what good click timing feels like and develop your flicks to become seriously lethal, leading to some insane clip-worthy plays.

Mouse Sensitivity & Mousepads

The unique aiming requirements of CS:GO present an opportunity to configure your settings and select certain peripherals that complement this playstyle. Considering the lack of verticality in map design and limited need for large aiming movements, lower sensitivities have become very common in the competitive scene. In general, lower sensitivities provide more accuracy and control, but lack mobility which isn’t a problem in CS:GO.

While lower sensitivities have proven to be effective and popular in CS:GO, it is by no means a necessity and there are outliers who perform extremely well on higher settings. It is highly encouraged to experiment and find what settings let you perform at your best.

The lack of tracking and the importance of flicks in CS:GO has resulted in competitive players gravitating towards high friction mousepads like the Zowie G-SR. The higher friction provides more of a locked-in feeling with loads of stopping power, which is great for lower sensitivity flicks and adjustments. Choosing the right mousepad isn’t an easy task and the preferences of players vary widely. To aid in the process, we put together this blog that can help point you in the right direction when searching for a mousepad.


Start Improving Your Counter Strike Global Offensive Skills Now

Considering the importance of aim for high level performance in CS:GO, the game itself provides a poor environment for training this skill. Aim training in KovaaK’s has revolutionized the skill-curse in FPS games by providing greatly accelerated progress. Check it out on Steam today and start your journey to becoming a human aimbot!