Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Cracked Training To Improve Your Aim In Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Dominating lobbies in Black Ops Cold War requires more than good game sense and positioning, great aim is the ultimate enabler of insane performance. With small maps, extremely fast time to kill and grouped spawns, lightning quick and accurate aim is essential to success.

Aim training provides a focused environment to hone your speed and accuracy without the distractions and downtime of your typical multiplayer lobby, allowing for greatly accelerated improvements.

How to Get Better at Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

The fast time to kill and linear map design make crosshair placement and flicks the primary aiming skills to focus on; tracking only plays a small role. This is contrary to Warzone where the time to kill is longer and tracking becomes a more valuable component of the aiming package.

Playing on a mouse sensitivity that optimizes your performance with flick-style aiming and target acquisition will be invaluable for improving your aim in Black Ops Cold War.

Flicks & Target Acquisition

A flick is a swift aiming movement that you can use to acquire and kill a target as quickly as possible. Hesitation or sluggishness during a fight is extremely costly in Black Ops Cold War. They will typically look something like what’s featured in this video. 

If you would like to learn more about what a flick is and how to do it, check out this blog.

An excellent method of training your flicks is to explore the Flicking Trainer in KovaaK’s. This AI-guided environment is perfect for learning the muscle movements required and getting you accustomed to the speed needed to perform a successful flick. If you are looking to test your skills and take your aim to the next level, dive into “Voxtargetswitch” and “Pattargetswitch” in the Sandbox of KovaaK’s. These scenarios do a superb job of emulating the aim requirements of Black Ops Cold War, with fast target swaps, precise aiming and minimal tracking.

Crosshair Placement

Even better than a fast and accurate flick, is to have an enemy walk into your crosshair. The maps in Black Ops Cold War have very little verticality or complexity: most areas can only be traversed on the ground, and each map is sliced up into a few lanes. This means there are only a few places enemies can possibly be, allowing you to place your crosshair on corners and take them down the moment they come into vision.

A common pitfall players fall into is walking around with their crosshair facing the ground, walls or other irrelevant spaces. This can feel natural as it helps clear up your field of view, but can lead to situations where the player needs to perform an awkward off-angle flick, instead of just immediately firing. Whenever you are traversing the map, or holding down an area, think about where you should be aiming your crosshair. Getting into the habit of having smart crosshair placement will lead to significant improvements in consistency and k/d.

How to Use Spawning to Your Advantage

Understanding how spawns work in Black Ops Cold War takes your game sense to the next level, much like playing with a permanent UAV up. There are a few simple rules to keep in mind that can give you an excellent idea of where enemies are at all times.

Enemies cannot spawn near you or your teammates. This effectively creates dead zones around your teammates that you don’t need to pay much attention to. Additionally, if you or your team invades their end of the map where they would typically spawn, they will then swap spawns over to the opposite end of the map. It’s typically advised to stay out of their spawn to avoid triggering this, and instead ‘spawn trap’ them as you know where they will be and can hold the angles they need to move through to exit spawn.

The game will heavily prefer spawning teammates together rather than in separate locations. This means if you are on their side of the map and take someone down, be hyper-vigilant for additional targets nearby. Grenades can really shine here when you are outnumbered, letting you take on their grouped spawn.

COD Map Topdown

Each Map follows a similar pattern with a spawn zone at the end of each map for each team.

The game will heavily prefer spawning teammates together rather than in separate locations. This means if you are on their side of the map and take someone down, be hyper-vigilant for additional targets nearby. Grenades can really shine here when you are outnumbered, letting you take on their grouped spawn.

Your Play Style Determines Your Weapon Choice

The weapons in Black Ops Cold War are subject to balancing and changes; instead of addressing them directly we will take a look at how to assess what weapon and upgrades are best suited to you, and to optimizing performance.

Weapon stats are divided into four unique categories:

Firepower – This is the overall damage the weapon inflicts, combining both damage and fire rate.
Speed – Impacts your movement speed and the time it takes to aim down sights (ADS).
Accuracy – Weapon recoil, stability and hipfire spread.
Ammo – The number of bullets in a magazine and how long it takes to reload.


Your playstyle will largely dictate what type of weapons you use. Run and gun aggressive players will tend to use SMGs, patient players may prefer snipers or LMGs and more balanced players can gravitate toward ARs and tactical rifles. When it comes to choosing a weapon that best suits you, it is important to determine how highly you value each stat.

For example, if you have excellent recoil control, you may value Firepower and Speed over Accuracy. Ultimately, nothing will beat trying out each weapon for yourself and determining what feels best for you.

Weapon upgrades can largely be reduced to a few important goals which will change depending on what your focus is. For run and gun players that prefer to hipfire, you can sacrifice ADS speed in favor of more Ammo, Accuracy and Speed. Assault rifle players will likely be spending far more time aiming through ADS, so increasing ADS speed becomes a valuable stat to improve. Determine what stats will enhance your playstyle and kit out weapons accordingly.

If you pursue and engage in regular aim training and improve your skills, more difficult weapons with higher recoil but better time to kill (TTK) may become more accessible to you, giving you an edge over the competition.


Get A Headstart On Improving Your Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Skills Today

Aim training in KovaaK’s has revolutionized the skill curve in FPS games. You no longer have to grind for thousands of hours to potentially develop some sick aiming skills. It works much like a gym does for building a body. The hyper-focused training environment allows players to develop their aim in the fastest, most optimized way possible.

Gameplay in Black Ops Cold War involves a fair amount of downtime with respawns and holding angles, coupled with the quick time to kill and minimal tracking you spend minimal time actively aiming. This is inadequate for developing your aim efficiently. 20 minutes of actively aiming at targets in KovaaK’s can be worth days or even weeks of your normal gameplay. To improve your aim in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War and all FPS games, we highly recommend warming up and/or training in KovaaK 2.0. Check it out on Steam and start yourself on the path to becoming a human aimbot today!