

Lasered Training To Improve Your Aim In Fortnite

Playing Fortnite at a high level requires a unique mix of strategy, building/editing and aiming ability. Aim in particular is what brings everything together to create a consistently dominant player. If you miss your shots, there are any number of bad things that can happen: you will often be eliminated; fights may take too long and other players might turn up; you may consume too many resources; your teammates may die, and so on. The cascading effects of aim swing in both directions, where great aim significantly improves the flow of your game, resource management and ultimately the chance of winning the match.

Victory Royale

How to Get Better at Fortnite

Aiming in Fortnite is unique compared to other popular FPS titles like Counter Strike: Global Offensive and Apex Legends. In Fortnite, aiming mobility is king. Being able to swiftly aim behind and above you can be crucial to close range encounters and to effective building.

Check out Bugha’s aiming flexibility in this short clip. 

Long distance fights are frequent enough, but they aren’t as crucially important to winning a game like closer box fights are. For this reason, configuring your settings and focusing your aim training efforts to suit close range combat is an excellent strategy for improving in Fortnite.

Close Range Combat

Mastering close ranged combat is instrumental to consistently winning fights, especially in the late game. The primary aiming style to focus on here is your flick shots. A flick shot is a swift aiming movement that snaps your crosshair onto the target followed by a well-timed click. To learn more about what a flick shot is and how to execute it, check out our blog on Flick Shot Technique.  

To improve your flicks and close ranged tracking, we highly recommend trying out the KovaaK’s scenario “Shotgun + SMG Swap 50’50”. It resembles a box fight with evasive targets where you can hone your shotgun flicks and smg tracking very efficiently.  

Mid Range Combat

Having strong mid-range aim is excellent for dominating your landing area and for softening up a team or even finding an entry frag before pushing in for a fight. Much of your mid-range gameplay will be utilizing your tracking skills.

The key to insane tracking is to focus on your target. That may sound obvious, but there’s a huge difference between looking at something, and focusing on it. Think of a ceiling fan spinning: if you are looking at it you will see a blur, but if you really try to focus on it you can track a single blade spinning around (as long as it’s not too fast of course). This same level of focus when aiming in Fortnite will enhance your tracking and take it to a whole new level.

A great way to practice this skill and to hone your tracking skills is to play a map like “Midrange Long Strafes Invincible” or “Close Fast Strafes Invincible” where focus and reactivity is key to success.

Long Range Combat

Long-range combat is the least important engagement distance in Fortnite, but it still has its uses and shouldn’t be ignored. Effective long-range aiming can net you free kills, keep enemies away from your position and waste enemy resources.  

Sniper rifles in Fortnite fire a projectile that requires you to lead your target if they are moving. Observing each shot and seeing where it landed is a great way to improve your accuracy on following shots. Patience can also go a long way in securing long range hits. Timing your shots to hit an enemy as they peek out, or when they stand still for a moment can be far more effective than simply firing at your max fire rate.

While snipers fire a projectile, your typical weapons like the AR, SMG, Shotgun and Pistol are actually hitscan. This means your bullet hits the target instantly upon firing and the bullet trail you see is just there for show. When firing these weapons at long range you need to have your crosshair directly over the target, unlike the sniper where you need to lead your shots.

Optimal Mouse Sensitivity for Fortnite

Your mouse sensitivity is an extremely important variable you can change to enhance your performance. While there is no single perfect sensitivity, each FPS game will typically have a certain range of sensitivities that suit the playstyle.

Fortnite typically suits high/medium sensitivities due to the large aiming and building movements required in general gameplay. Lower sensitivities that you may see in games like Counter Strike: Global Offensive tend to perform poorly in Fortnite.

Professional Fortnite players tend to play somewhere between 20-45 cm/360 which is the real life mouse movement needed to perform a 360 degree rotation in-game. For reference here are the settings of a few notable top level players.

Mongraal – DPI = 800 | X/Y sensitivity = 9% | 22.8 cm/360
Tfue – DPI = 400 | X/Y sensitivity = 10% | 41.1 cm/360
Zexrow – DPI = 400 | X/Y sensitivity = 10% | 41.1 cm/360
Bugha – DPI = 800 | X/Y sensitivity = 6.5% | 31.6 cm/360

It is important to find settings that perform best for you, but looking at the configurations of the pros can be a great place to start.

Start Improving Your Fortnite Skills Today

Aim training with KovaaK’s has revolutionized the skill curve in shooters. Gone are the times where you needed to grind games for thousands of hours to improve. KovaaK’s works much like going to the gym does for building a body. The hyper-focused training environment enables players to develop their aim in the fastest way possible.

Check out KovaaK’s on Steam and start yourself on the path to becoming a human aimbot today!