PlayerUnknown’s Battle Grounds (PUBG)

PLayerUnknown's battlegrounds (PUBG)

Cracked Training To Improve Your Aim In PUBG

Taking home chicken dinners requires more than strategy, awareness and teamwork. Each game you play can be summed up in the number of encounters with enemy players. You need to survive or eliminate the enemy in every encounter to win a game. Developing your aim is an excellent way to significantly improve your chances of making it through these encounters.

In a perfect world you would never be at a disadvantage in a fight, but the nature of battle royales can make things unpredictable. High level aim lets you exploit any scenario to your advantage, no matter how terrible things may seem.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has a great deal of downtime in an average game, time where you aren’t actively aiming at players and developing that skill. This can drastically slow down the learning process where it may take hundreds or thousands of hours to potentially develop some great aim. Aim training in KovaaK’s has revolutionized the skill curve in FPS games, creating aim gods in weeks, not years.

How to Get Better at PUBG

Aiming in PUBG features a wide range of aiming styles and engagement distances. The slow player movement speed and the lack of verticality means precision is everything. Typically, high level players will play on a medium to low sensitivity to best enhance their accuracy as there is little need for huge aiming movements that would better suit high sensitivities.

The list below shows the sensitivities of some top level players. Note that cm/360 is the real life mouse movement needed to perform a 360 degree rotation in-game. To learn move about this and mouse sensitivity in general, check out our blog here.

Break | DPI = 400 | General Sensitivity = 48 | 43.8 cm/360
Shroud | DPI = 450 | General Sensitivity = 55 | 28.2 cm/360
Chocotaco | DPI = 800 | General Sensitivity = 25 | 63.2 cm/360

Improving Long-Distance Shooting

Consistently landing shots at longer distances requires some finesse and help from a simple strategy. When firing at longer ranges it comes down to quality over quantity. Each shot you fire, you should be quickly assessing your crosshair position and the position of the enemy. If you miss a shot your next shot should be more accurate as you make any necessary adjustments. You want to avoid firing without assessing these positions; if you fire and miss and don’t know where to position your crosshair for the next shot, something has gone wrong.

Ultimately this won’t slow down your rate of fire much at all. If anything, it is simply making you more aware of each shot you fire, rather than playing on autopilot. Players that use this strategy become more lethal the longer an engagement goes on. You can think of it like gaining an accuracy bonus after every shot you fire: 20% -> 50% -> 65% -> 70%, while the other player may be stuck spamming at 20% accuracy.

Shooting at Moving Targets

Hitting moving targets is one of the trickiest skills to master in PUBG. The greatly varying engagement distances coupled with different bullet velocities for most guns introduce a load of variables to juggle. Fortunately, the strategy covered above also applies here, but there are some other aim tracking techniques to  be considered.

Tracking targets can be broken down into two sections. Firstly, to track a target you need to move your crosshair at the same speed of the enemy. Secondly, to track an enemy you need to read their movement and know where they are going.

Matching the movement speed of a target with your crosshair is a surprisingly difficult skill to master. Scenarios in KovaaK’s like “Midrange Long Strafes Invincible” and “Thin Gauntlet” are excellent for developing this skill at a greatly accelerated rate.

Focus on your target and absorb the surrounding information. Where are they? Where do they want to go? Knowing the goals of the enemy can make tracking them much easier. For example, if you catch someone out in the middle of a street, they are likely going to run to the closest cover, if you can determine where they want to go you can line up a simple tracking movement and lazer them down.

Mastering Recoil

Controlling recoil is key to inflicting maximum damage per second against another player. Knowing when to spray and when to tap is crucial for optimizing your engagements. In general, once a target is over 100m~ away, spraying can become more difficult and you may want to resort to tap firing to improve your accuracy. It is also important to avoid spraying at targets that are heavily covered unless you are very close range. Spraying a target that only has their chest/head visible will be extremely difficult and tapping would likely be a better option here.

Each weapon has a different level of recoil and this can also be changed with attachments, whether you are moving or still, crouching or standing, etc. Learning how they all behave will take some time. Ultimately, controlling recoil comes down to pulling down with your mouse to counteract your gun kicking up. Try shooting at walls at different distances while aiming to keep the bullet holes as tightly grouped as possible. Getting accustomed to the hand and arm movements needed to control your mouse in this direction will significantly improve your recoil control.

Choosing the Right Scope

The scopes you use will largely come down to availability. They all have their uses and there are some slight pros and cons to each. Generally speaking, the closer the engagement distance of a scope, the lower the zoom you want. An SMG will typically benefit most from a red dot sight while an AR like the M416 can be highly versatile with a 4x scope.

pubg scopes

Try to determine what sort of engagements will be most likely and kit out your weapons accordingly. If you are fighting in a city, your closer range options will find more value compared to fighting in the fields of Erengal. It is also perfectly reasonable to carry a spare scope should your engagement area change. If you are pushing a building that 4x scope on your AR may no longer be the right pick, so swapping it out temporarily for a red dot can provide a lot of value.

Start Improving Your Skills At PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds Now

PUBG is a uniquely positioned game that benefits greatly from aim, while the pacing of the game and the genre provide a poor environment for developing this skill. KovaaK’s provides a hyper-focused training environment that allows players to improve their aim in the fastest way possible. Check it out on Steam and start becoming a human aimbot today!